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  2. Rulemaking
  3. Rule Text Editing Experience

Request and Confirm Rulemaking Access


This is an older experience supported in only a select number of agencies. If you do not see a Request button, please contact your Rulemaking Project Manager at your agency to Add Collaborators.

Request Access

You must request access to view a rulemaking for which you are not a participant. Select the rulemaking in the Workspace to open the rulemaking preview pane, then click Request Access. The current assignee and users with administrative privileges will be notified and can approve your request.

Confirm Access

Confirm or deny pending collaborator requests from the Rulemaking Overview. Only the current assignee to a rulemaking or users with administrative privileges as specified by their Esper user role are able to confirm or deny requests. Confirming a collaborator request adds the requestor as a collaborator to the rulemaking.