Deny a Project
You must have the Deny rulemaking privilege on your role in order to access the Deny menu on a rulemaking project.
- Use the ... menu on the right side of your project
- Click Deny
- Enter the decision notes for the denial
- Click Deny Project
Note: This is a permanent action that cannot be undone
Once the project is Denied, the project will be closed to new actions. You can still retrieve any documents from the Rulemaking Package or see its history in the Activity Log, along with the Reason for Denial.
To access the Reason for Denial:
- Click on View Notes
- View the Reason for Denial and click Done
Filter for Denied Projects
On the Rulemaking List View, the Project Status will be updated to Denied. You can filter for Denied projects by clicking on +Add a filter and choosing Denied from the dropdown.