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Rulemaking User Privileges

The combination of user privileges  constitutes a user's Role in Esper, which in turn determines which rulemaking projects they can see, which tasks they can be assigned to, and the actions they can take in Esper.

Viewing privileges associated with a Role

If you have the Edit Users privilege, you can access User Roles in User Administration

  • Click your Initials in the upper right corner
  • Click User Administration or go directly to User Administration
  • Click User Roles
  • Click a Role Name
  • Click Privileges

Note: Anyone with access to a Rulemaking Project can make edits and comments to the documents in the Rulemaking Package. There is no designated privilege for this ability.

Privileges typically assigned to project managers or rulemaking coordinators

Project managers or rulemaking coordinators (or similar roles) have the greatest ability to make changes in Esper, from creating new rulemaking projects, to viewing and editing all projects and workflows assignments and deadlines.



Create Rulemakings

Ability to create Rulemakings and Rulemaking Tasks.

Access All Rulemakings

Ability to access and edit all Rulemakings, even if the User has not been assigned or shared to the Rulemaking.

Rulemaking - Alert on Creation

Users with this privilege will be notified whenever a rulemaking is created in their department

Project Management

Ability to manage Tasks and Rulemakings, including editing deadlines, progress status, assignees, and collaborators.

Receive Rulemaking Assignments

Ability to be assigned to Rulemakings and Rulemaking Tasks.

Rulemaking Workflow Admin

Ability to do admin-level actions on proposal workflow tasks

Rulemaking Workflow Assignment

Ability to assign proposal workflow tasks

Rulemaking Workflow Deadline

Ability to update deadlines for proposal workflow tasks

Rulemaking Can Accept Track Changes

Ability to accept or reject track changes in a Rulemaking component. If a user does not have this privilege, they can only suggest changes and comment

Rulemaking Workflow Deny

Ability to deny proposals

Privileges typically assigned to rulemaking collaborators

For example, drafting attorneys or program experts will be assigned to a task in a workflow, may need to assign another colleague to review, and may be resposible for finalizing all 



Receive Rulemaking Assignments

Ability to be assigned to Rulemakings and Rulemaking Tasks.

Rulemaking Workflow Assignment

Ability to assign proposal workflow tasks

Rulemaking Can Accept Track Changes

Ability to accept or reject track changes in a Rulemaking component. If a user does not have this privilege, they can only suggest changes and comment

 Privileges typically assigned to rulemaking reviewers or approvers

For example, this may be something like a Commissioner sign-off or a Governor's Office reviewer.



Access All Rulemakings

Ability to access and edit all Rulemakings, even if the User has not been assigned or shared to the Rulemaking.

Receive Rulemaking Assignments

Ability to be assigned to Rulemakings and Rulemaking Tasks.

Rulemaking Workflow Assignment

Ability to assign proposal workflow tasks

Rulemaking Workflow Deadline

Ability to update deadlines for proposal workflow tasks

Rulemaking Workflow Deny

Ability to deny proposals

Rulemaking Can Accept Track Changes

Ability to accept or reject track changes in a Rulemaking component. If a user does not have this privilege, they can only suggest changes and comment