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  2. User Administration

User Management

The combination of user privileges  constitutes a user's Role in Esper, which in turn determines which projects they can see, which tasks they can be assigned to, and the actions they can take in Esper.

Viewing users

If you have the Edit Users privilege, you can access User Management

  • Click your Initials in the upper right corner
  • Click User Management 
  • View your User List 

user management overview

Note: Anyone with access to a Project can make edits and comments to the documents. There is no designated privilege for this ability.

  1. Department Name - Shows the name of the department. 
  2. + Add A User - Allows you to create a new user. 
  3. + Add a Filter - Add a filter to narrow the results and narrow the list of users. 
  4. Name - Shows the first and last name of the user.
  5. Status - Shows whether a user is active or deactivated. 
  6. Email - Shows the email address of the user. 
  7. Type - Shows the level of access for each user. 
    • Full: Super User, can access workspace and the library 
    • Read Only: Can only view policy collections, if applicable 
  8. Identity Provider - Will show if the user was created by Esper or if brought in by an Active Directory.
  9. Roles - Lists the roles each user has within the department. 
    • If a user has multiple roles, hover your mouse over the roles to view all 
  10. Three Dot Menu - Gives the option to reset password, remove from the department, or deactivate/reactivate