Similar Regulations


The Similar Regulations feature provides a list of rules that Esper has identified as similar in content to the rule being viewed. These rules are from a variety of states as well as the federal government.

This list is intended as a useful resource for completing research and gaining insights into rules enacted in other jurisdictions. This list does not imply any explicit link or relationship between the rules, only that they may contain similar content or regulate a similar topic. 

The entire list of similar rules is shown by clicking Similar Regulations found on the left pane of the Policy Page. This list is sortable by the table's headers, Citation, Name, Jurisdiction, Title, and Status. Click Compare to the right of a particular citation and you will be taken to a side-by-side comparison of that rule and the rule you were originally viewing.



Alternatively, use the three dot menu on the policy page to select Analytics. The list of similar policies is shown by clicking Similar Regulations there.