Esper Homepage - Mobile

Once you log in, you will be taken to the Esper homepage. This is your homebase whenever navigating in Esper. You can return here at any time by pressing on the "Esper" logo in the top left corner.

1. My Policies: My Policies includes Attestation Requests and Bookmarks. You can think of My Policies as the Policies that require your attention or those that you have bookmarked for quick access.
2. Attestation Requests: See Attestation
3. Bookmarks: See Bookmarks
4. Library: The Library contains groupings of policies that Esper refers to as Collections. Collections are what make up the Department Manual. The rules for New York City and the rules and laws for New York State are also Collections. The Collections in Esper are: 
    • Patrol Guide: Outlines operational guidelines
    • Administrative Guide: Outlines administrative guidelines
    • Detective Guide: Outlines Investigative guidelines
    • Organization Guide: Outlines the organizational structure of the Department, and the mission and functions of Bureaus and units within
    • Revision Orders: An announcement that implements a revision, addition or revocation to procedures within the Department Manual (Patrol Guide, Administrative Guide, Detective Guide, or Organization Guide)
      • Revision Orders were formerly known as Interim Orders
  • Operations Orders: An announcement that may contain: 
    • Orders or details relating to a single event or condition that will exist for a limited time, 
    • Instructions, information or directions for compliance with or clarification of, an existing procedure or law to achieve uniform performance,
    • Announcement and/or scheduling of members to attend Department training programs, and/or
    • Announcement and/or instructions regarding implementation of a pilot program.
  • NYC Rules: Includes the Rules of they City of New York, New York City Charter and the New York City Administrative Code
  • NY State Rules: Includes the New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (NYCRR)
  • NY State Laws: Includes the laws of New York
5. Search: See Search