Advanced Search - Desktop

Esper also supports an Advanced Search function to help you narrow your results quickly. This function is especially helpful if you are looking for a specific policy but do not know its name or number. An advanced search is built off of a standard search, meaning you must first search a keyword or number in Esper to launch the Advanced Search tool.

Once you have conducted a search for keyword, follow these steps:

  • Click on the button in the Search Bar on the search page
  • Enter the keywords(s) in one or any combination of the following categories to narrow the search results:
    • All of these words
    • These exact words or phrase
    • Any of these words
    • None of these words


You can use keyboard shortcuts to conduct an Advanced Search instead of the button. These shortcuts are listed below:

  • The - (minus sign): When placed in front of a term, the search will return policies that DO NOT contain that term.
  • The + (plus sign): A + in front of terms will search for more than one keyword.
  • " " (quotes): Use quotes to search for a specific phrase.

Note: Do not include a space between the shortcuts and the search terms


  • regular -sick will search for policies that do contain regular and explicitly do not contain the word sick
  • +regular +sick +chronic will search for only policies that contain all three words.
  • "regular sick" will search policies that contain the phrase regular sick
  • "regular sick" -vacation will search policies that contain the phrase "regular sick," but not the word vacation